6 Unexpected Expenses to Include in Your Round-the-World Journey

6 Unexpected Expenses to Include in Your Round-the-World Journey

# Budgeting for a Round-the-World Trip: Hidden Costs and Money-Saving Tips

If you’re planning a round-the-world journey, an extended sabbatical, or the nomadic lifestyle, it’s wise to slightly increase your budget to cover unforeseen expenses. Otherwise, unexpected costs could deplete your funds before your journey concludes.

Imagine you’ve done everything right beforehand: read *The World’s Cheapest Destinations*, perused books by Rolf Potts and [Nomadic Matt](https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0399173285/worldscheapes-20), calculated your airfare with a combination of long-haul and local flights, and followed numerous bloggers providing tips on affordable world travel. You’ve been saving diligently and are set to embark on your global adventure!

However, before finalizing your travel budget, avoid the common mistake of ignoring hidden expense categories. These can add up beyond basic costs for food, transportation, admission fees, and lodging.

## Travel Vaccinations

Vaccinations are essential not only for your health but also because some countries require proof of vaccination for entry. Unless you have access to free or affordable local health clinics, or have top-tier insurance coverage at your soon-to-be former job, vaccination costs can easily reach several hundred dollars.

**Money-saving tip:** For vaccines that require multiple doses, consider getting subsequent doses in cities like Bangkok or Panama City, where costs are lower. Almost any country outside the USA offers [better health care options for less](https://www.cheapestdestinationsblog.com/2017/07/20/crappy-health-care-options-then-move/). If you don’t need the Yellow Fever shot until nine months into your trip, get it in a cheaper country. Just don’t delay vaccinations until the last minute.

## Budget for Travel Insurance

Not everyone opts for travel insurance, but a single motorbike accident or a bad fall can make you wish you had it. Policies can be affordable if you shop around and avoid including “hazardous activities.” If you can steer clear of the U.S. healthcare system, known for its exorbitant costs, you will save money.

I now use an annual policy from [Allianz](https://www.allianztravelinsurance.com/) which costs less than a one-way domestic flight, ensuring coverage regardless of my travel frequency. I also appreciate [SafetyWing](https://www.cheapestdestinationsblog.com/safetywing) because their policies cater to nomads, not occasional travelers, and their team operates fully remotely.

**Money-saving tip:** Choosing a higher deductible can be cost-effective if you have funds to cover everyday expenses and only use insurance for major issues. However, if you’ll be in remote areas often, make sure you have good medical evacuation coverage. Read policy details carefully to choose the best fit.

## Expensive Admission & Tour Fees

Skipping iconic sites like Petra in Jordan or [Machu Picchu](https://www.cheapestdestinationsblog.com/2015/11/18/how-much-does-it-cost-to-go-to-machu-picchu/) in Peru would be unwise. These destinations, and many adventure experiences, come with high costs—often the main reason for visiting certain areas.

The [admission fees for world wonders](https://www.cheapestdestinationsblog.com/2022/09/05/wonders-of-the-world/) can be significant. Regardless of your daily budget, you need to splurge occasionally for must-see sites and activities. Only sticking to free attractions means missing out. You’ll regret not visiting key sites more than spending on worthwhile experiences.

**Money-saving tip:** Balance expensive days with frugal days. Stay longer in affordable places (e.g., simple beaches, rural towns, hiking huts) to spend less overall. It might not completely offset costly visits like Petra, but it helps maintain budget balance.

## Medicine, Doctors, and Tampons

You *will* get sick…



