Indians Express Their Candid Views on Pakistan - foXnoMad

Indians Express Their Candid Views on Pakistan – foXnoMad

### Bridging Borders: Indians Share Positive Thoughts About Pakistan

A few years ago, I traveled to Pakistan and asked the locals a simple yet profound question: could they say one nice thing about India? The responses were heartwarming and insightful, highlighting the shared cultural and historical bonds between the two nations. However, when I posted [that video](, many viewers speculated that attempting the same in India would yield less favorable results given the complex and often strained relations between the two countries.

Determined to explore this perspective, I decided to visit [Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)](, a renowned institution known for its politically active student body, especially during election seasons. With an atmosphere charged with nationalism and pride, I was uncertain about the responses I would receive.

You can watch [the video above]( to witness the initial hesitance and eventual openness of the participants. Here’s a closer look at what unfolded.

#### The Setting: Jawaharlal Nehru University

JNU is not just an academic institution; it is a microcosm of India’s diverse political landscape. The university’s students are known for their active engagement in political discourse, often reflecting broader national sentiments. Visiting JNU during a contentious election period meant emotions were running high, and opinions were strongly held.

#### The Experiment: Asking Indians About Pakistan

Armed with a camera and a simple question, I approached students and faculty members, asking them to share one nice thing about Pakistan. The initial responses were cautious, with many participants taking a moment to gather their thoughts. Given the historical and ongoing tensions between India and Pakistan, this hesitation was understandable.

#### The Responses: A Surprising Turn

As the conversations progressed, a surprising trend emerged. Many participants began to open up, sharing heartfelt and genuine compliments about their neighbor. Here are some of the notable responses:

1. **Cultural Richness**: Several respondents praised Pakistan’s cultural heritage, highlighting its contributions to music, art, and literature. They mentioned iconic figures like Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and Faiz Ahmed Faiz, whose works have transcended borders and touched hearts in India.

2. **Hospitality**: A common theme was the renowned hospitality of the Pakistani people. Those who had visited Pakistan or had Pakistani friends spoke highly of the warmth and generosity they experienced.

3. **Shared History**: Many acknowledged the shared history and cultural ties between the two nations. They spoke of common festivals, languages, and traditions that bind the people of India and Pakistan together.

4. **Resilience**: Some participants admired the resilience and spirit of the Pakistani people in facing adversity. They recognized the challenges Pakistan has faced and expressed respect for its perseverance.

#### Reflections: A Glimpse of Hope

The experiment at JNU revealed that despite political tensions and historical conflicts, there exists a reservoir of goodwill and mutual respect among ordinary citizens on both sides of the border. It underscored the importance of people-to-people connections in fostering understanding and empathy.

While political narratives often dominate headlines, these personal stories remind us that there is always room for dialogue and appreciation. The responses from JNU students and faculty members serve as a testament to the potential for positive engagement between India and Pakistan.

In conclusion, my journey to JNU was an eye-opening experience that challenged preconceived notions and highlighted the power of human connection. It reinforced the belief that even in times of division, there are voices advocating for peace, understanding, and mutual respect. As we continue to navigate complex geopolitical landscapes, these voices offer a glimmer of hope for a more harmonious future.



