HoneyTrek's 2023 Journey Highlights and 2024 Location Sneak Peek

HoneyTrek’s 2023 Journey Highlights and 2024 Location Sneak Peek

# HoneyTrek’s Extraordinary 2023 Travel Year: A Voyage Through Continents and Cultures

2023 proved to be a significant year for HoneyTrek, the travel couple enjoying an extensive around-the-world honeymoon that has lasted over 4,363 days. This year, they embarked on one of their most daring travel escapades, journeying through 26 U.S. states, 7 Canadian provinces, and 10 nations across Europe, Africa, and North America. From cruising along the southern U.S. border to trekking alongside gorillas in Rwanda, HoneyTrek’s 2023 was packed with remarkable memories, all while advocating for sustainable and responsible tourism. Here’s a summary of their astonishing year and a sneak peek at what awaits in 2024.

## North American Expeditions: 20,209 Miles of Adventure

### Baja, Mexico on the Water
HoneyTrek commenced the year by sailing around Mexico’s Sea of Cortez, discovering the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve of Islas del Golfo de California. Their days were filled with kayaking, snorkeling, whale-watching, and hiking in this enchanting desert-meets-sea oasis. Collaborating with UnCruise Adventures, they immersed themselves in Baja’s abundant biodiversity and shared their experiences through stunning visuals on Instagram.

### Scenic Road Trip Along the U.S. Southern Border
Prior to their European journey, HoneyTrek embarked on a picturesque road trip along the southernmost routes of Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Highlights included observing 40,000 sandhill cranes in Arizona, hiking the majestic spires of Chiricahua National Monument, and kayaking through the breathtaking Santa Elena Canyon in Texas’s Big Bend National Park. They even crossed the Rio Grande into Boquillas, Mexico, for a chilled Corona at a local cantina.

### Canadian Expedition Across 7 Provinces
HoneyTrek spent their summer traveling through 7 Canadian provinces, covering 7,831 miles. They immersed themselves in the unique culture of Newfoundland and Labrador, chased icebergs, and admired the splendor of the Canadian wilderness. Their adventure also took them through Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan, where they unearthed the hidden treasures of Canada’s prairies.

## European Adventures: City Escapes and Ski Trips

### City Escapes in Europe: Berlin, Prague, Bratislava & Vienna
A travel conference in Berlin led HoneyTrek to a two-week exploration of the edgy culture of Germany’s capital. Their journey then took them to Prague, Český Krumlov, and Bratislava, where they were treated to a personal tour from a HoneyTrek enthusiast. Their European city tour concluded with a swift visit to Vienna before they set off on an 18-hour bus ride to Bulgaria.

### Skiing in Bulgaria + Plovdiv & Veliko Tarnovo
Bulgaria presented a blend of action and history, with HoneyTrek enjoying the slopes of UNESCO-Heritage mountains while exploring ancient ruins, monasteries, and natural hot springs. They also ventured to Plovdiv, the oldest continuously inhabited city in Europe, and Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria’s former capital. Their two-week expedition delved into the country’s rich cultural and historical tapestry.

### Housesitting in Bucharest & Exploring Transylvania
HoneyTrek’s housesitting opportunity in Bucharest, Romania, allowed them to appreciate the city’s Beaux-Arts architecture and Francophile culture. They prolonged their visit to traverse Transylvania, visiting Saxon villages and taking on Dracula’s Castle. The fusion of Latin, Hungarian, and Saxon influences in Romania left a significant mark on the couple.

## African Journeys: Rwanda and Uganda

### Enchanting Rwanda & The Mountain Gorillas
Rwanda, known as the “Land of a Thousand Hills,” enchanted HoneyTrek with its conservation efforts and commitment to sustainable tourism. They participated in the Kwita Izina Baby Gorilla Naming Ceremony and dedicated three weeks to journeying through the nation’s national parks, lakes, and local communities. Rwanda secured its place on HoneyTrek’s esteemed list of “The World’s Most Romantic & Sustainable Destinations.”

### Uganda: The Pearl of Africa
Despite Uganda’s contentious laws, HoneyTrek chose to visit and champion community-driven tourism initiatives. They collaborated with Virunga Mountain Adventures, traversing Uganda’s snow-capped peaks, expansive lakes, and rich cultural landscape. Their adventure underscored the positive influence of responsible tourism.

## Commitment to Sustainable Travel and Volunteering

Throughout their travels, HoneyTrek dedicated themselves to uplifting local communities and protecting the environment. They volunteered in several countries and contributed $4,250 to local nonprofit organizations focused on environmental and social justice. Their dedication to sustainable travel shone through in their collaborations with organizations such as the Surfrider Foundation, the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, and the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society.

## What Lies Ahead in 2024?

HoneyTrek has ambitious plans


