Why Residing in Mexico is Ideal for Me

Why Residing in Mexico is Ideal for Me

# The Delight and Challenges of Residing Overseas: A Personal Experience

For many, living overseas is a cherished aspiration, but for those who embrace it, it can transform one’s life. Throughout the years, I’ve been fortunate enough to experience life in three distinct nations, each offering its own unique traditions, obstacles, and benefits. Although my first two stints were pleasant, they were not designed to be permanent. Conversely, my present existence in Mexico has been an eye-opener, even if numerous individuals back home fail to grasp my reasons for relocating here.

## The Common Inquiry: “What Prompted Your Move?”

Whenever I make a return to my homeland or engage with friends and family, the most frequently posed question is, “What made you choose to relocate there?” It’s a query so predictable that I could easily record my response and replay it endlessly. Yet, the motivation behind the inquiry differs.

Some individuals are genuinely intrigued, particularly if they are seasoned travelers themselves. They seek to understand what attracted me to a specific location like Guanajuato, Mexico, and what sets it apart. These are the wanderlust-driven types, always searching for new destinations to discover and possibly settle in.

More often than not, however, the question stems from confusion or even skepticism. Why would I depart from the United States or Canada, nations many hold in high regard as benchmarks of development, to relocate to a “less developed” region? Why would I bring my child along? Why would I “downgrade” to a place they perceive as less cultured? Some even question if I am escaping from something.

## The Genuine Motives Behind Moving Abroad

I take the time to share the numerous advantages of residing in Mexico: the more affordable cost of living, decreased stress, more quality time with loved ones, and the chance to enjoy life without the relentless dependence on a vehicle. I highlight how my daughter has become bilingual, a talent that will benefit her significantly in the future, and how I’ve adapted to navigating daily life in a second language. I touch upon the city’s rich history, where buildings predate those in Jamestown or Boston.

Yet, these are merely the superficial explanations. The reality is, living overseas bestows a sense of liberty and satisfaction that’s challenging to describe to someone who hasn’t lived it. It’s not merely about financial benefits or favorable weather; it’s about the overall quality of life. In Mexico, life appears to be less about competition and more about relaxation. People work to enjoy life, rather than the reverse.

## The Misunderstandings about Living Overseas

Numerous individuals from the U.S. or Canada have been conditioned to think of their countries as the “greatest on earth.” They lack exposure to alternative lifestyles, making the notion of moving abroad seem absurd to them. They struggle to comprehend why someone would abandon what they view as the epitome of comfort and security.

Some even presume that the healthcare system in the U.S., with its myriad of regulations and soaring expenses, is the global standard. They remain unaware that many nations, including Mexico, provide accessible and effective healthcare systems that don’t necessitate incurring debt for fundamental medical services.

## Residing Abroad Isn’t Suitable for Everyone

I recognize that living abroad is not a fit for everyone. Only a few million Americans and Canadians reside overseas, and an even smaller number has adopted it as a permanent way of life. We form a small group, yet within our expat circles, it feels commonplace. We connect with others like us, raising children, working remotely, and reveling in a slower pace of life.

For those of us who have ventured into this lifestyle, the benefits undeniably surpass the challenges. I am self-employed, control my own timetable, and enjoy a level of freedom that many back home can only dream about. I am free from office dynamics, lengthy commutes, or unsatisfactory bosses. I sleep better, maintain good health, and experience greater happiness.

## Relocating Abroad Is Not an Irrevocable Decision

One of the most prevalent misconceptions about international relocation is that it’s a lifelong decision. In truth, it isn’t. I’ve resided in various countries for differing durations. I spent half a year in Turkey, 14 months in South Korea, and have returned to Mexico multiple times. Occasionally, we might spend a month in Asia or two months in Europe.

The key point is, moving abroad doesn’t need to be a lifelong commitment. If you try it and discover it’s not what you expected, you can always return home or explore a different country. That’s why I consistently suggest renting rather than purchasing property initially. Keep your possibilities open until you’re certain of your wish to remain.

## Residing Overseas Is More Accessible Than Ever

Thanks to technological advances, living abroad is simpler today than it has ever been. When I initially arrived in Mexico, the internet connection was sluggish, and we faced water pressure problems. However, over time, these



