How to Prevent Baggage Charges with a Bag for Under the Seat

How to Prevent Baggage Charges with a Bag for Under the Seat

### How to Dodge Baggage Charges on Budget Airlines: Tips and Techniques for Light Travel

Would you embark on a flight with just the necessities if it meant saving over $200 for your getaway? That’s the dilemma I contemplated recently while using a budget airline. By circumventing baggage charges and opting for just an underseat bag, I managed to preserve a considerable sum—funds I could allocate for adventures instead of airline fees.

Although it wasn’t completely straightforward, the savings justified the endeavor. I utilized layering, packed items that could be laundered in a sink, and curtailed my shoe choices. Ultimately, I was pleased to have that money in hand rather than parting with it to a fee-driven airline.

If you aim to steer clear of baggage charges on budget airlines, there are numerous tactics you can deploy. Some carry more risk than others, but with a bit of foresight, you can travel light and enjoy substantial savings.

### Tricks for Evading Baggage Charges

1. **Check-In Online and Take a Risk**
One daring tactic is to check in online and arrive at the gate with a carry-on that you didn’t pay for. If the gate staff are preoccupied or not inclined to enforce baggage policies, you might get on board without any charges. However, this is a bit of a gamble. If they do notice, you could face a steep fee—sometimes $100 or beyond.

2. **Utilize a Shopping Bag**
Another clever move is to transport some belongings in a shopping bag, which can give the impression that you’ve just made a purchase at the airport. Shopping bags typically aren’t classified as luggage, making this a handy tactic if you’re already bringing along a purse or small backpack. Just be cautious not to overpack, as some airlines might still categorize this as an extra item.

3. **Dress in Layers**
A reliable strategy is to wear more than necessary. Jackets with ample pockets, like a Scottevest, can accommodate a surprising number of items. Cargo pants work well too. Given that airports and planes can often be chilly, layering isn’t a poor approach. Once on the plane, you can easily remove a few layers and stow them in the overhead compartment.

4. **Pack a Collapsible Bag**
Take a packable duffel bag that fits into your underseat bag. Upon arriving at your destination, you can utilize the duffel for your clothing and keep your electronics or other essentials in your underseat bag. This way, you won’t be limited to just one small bag for your entire journey.

### Airline-Specific Baggage Guidelines

#### Volaris and Viva Aerobus (Mexico and Central America)
I recently traveled on three international flights with Volaris between Mexico, Costa Rica, and Guatemala. Their baggage charges typically range from $35 for a carry-on to $40 for a checked item. However, since I possess the **Volaris Annual Pass**, I faced elevated same-day fees for luggage, which would have totalled over $230 for three flights. Instead, I chose an underseat bag and saved a considerable amount of money.

Volaris and Viva Aerobus have comparable baggage regulations, so if you’re traveling with either, it’s advisable to pack minimally to dodge these charges.

#### Spirit Airlines and Frontier (USA)
Spirit and Frontier are infamous for their baggage fees. Spirit’s personal item dimension limit is 18 x 14 x 8 inches, which is identical for Frontier. The critical factor here is the bag’s thickness—8 inches isn’t much, particularly if you have a laptop on hand.

If you can cram everything into an underseat bag, you could save up to $64 per flight. That translates to $128 round-trip, which can significantly enhance your vacation experience.

#### Allegiant Airlines (USA)
Allegiant enforces one of the most stringent personal item regulations, with a maximum size of 16 x 15 x 7 inches. Although this is smaller than what other airlines allow, they don’t always enforce it rigorously. In my experience, if you’re carrying just one item and have paid for a seat assignment, you’re less likely to draw attention.

#### RyanAir, EasyJet, and AirAsia (Europe and Asia)
For European and Asian budget airlines, the size restrictions are often provided in centimeters. For instance, AirAsia’s personal item limit is 40 x 30 x 10 cm, while RyanAir permits 40 x 20 x 25 cm. EasyJet is a bit more flexible, allowing 45 x 36 x 20 cm.

It’s crucial to recognize these variations and pack accordingly. A thicker, more rectangular bag is beneficial for RyanAir, while a broader backpack might be more suitable for AirAsia.

### Top Underseat Bags



