Newest Release of the Definitive Travel Writing Guide

Newest Release of the Definitive Travel Writing Guide

# The Evolution of Travel Writing: Insights from the Latest Edition of “Travel Writing 2.0”

A few months ago, I published a post that combined a critique of Google’s search results with a nostalgic reflection on the history of the Cheapest Destinations Blog. This retro-style post surprisingly resonated well with my audience, encouraging me to continue on this topic by announcing my latest book release: an updated edition of what I believe is the best travel writing book on the market.

If travel writing, blogging, or publishing related to your travels isn’t your thing, feel free to explore some of [the most popular posts]( instead. However, if you’re still interested, here’s the exciting update: the third edition of *Travel Writing 2.0* is now available on Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, and can also be ordered through your local bookstore via Ingram. You can get it as an e-book or a paperback, and I might consider an audiobook version if there’s enough demand. [Purchase links are here](

## A Candid Look at Travel Writing Income

The first edition of *Travel Writing 2.0* was released in 2010. Back then, I anticipated significant and somewhat daunting changes in the travel writing field. I foresaw the decline of newspaper travel sections, the closure of numerous travel magazines, and an uncertain future for travel TV shows.

Within a decade or less, I predicted that most travelers would turn to blogs, online magazines, YouTube, and social media for information. Travelers would be booking trips on their phones just as much as on computers.

My proposed solution was for travel writers to become publishers of their own content rather than just freelancers. Diversifying income sources was crucial, as relying on a single income stream from one source is risky.

By the time the second edition was published, the decline of print media was more pronounced, confirming many of my predictions. As a result, the second edition sold better than the first.

I spoke at writers’ conferences, interviewed writers and editors for the [travel writing blog](, and launched a course called [Travel Writing Overdrive]( Over 100 students have taken this course, which is open only twice a year, and many have doubled or tripled their income as a result.

## The Real Numbers Behind Travel Writing

One reason this book has performed well is that it doesn’t sell unrealistic dreams. Unlike other books and courses that promise “getting paid to travel the world and sip cocktails on the beach,” I provide real numbers on what writers, bloggers, and videographers actually earn. I delve into how long it took them to reach those earnings and the challenges they faced. The book includes numerous quotes from real practitioners about their income streams.

## Focus on Earnings, Not Just Craft

What differentiates *Travel Writing 2.0* from other travel writing guides is its emphasis on earnings rather than just the craft. While many guides focus on narrative travel stories, most writers spend only a small fraction of their time on such pieces. The best travel stories are worthless if they’re not published anywhere. Therefore, I focus on content that generates income—how-to articles, listicles, reviews, and round-ups.

This book is tailored for two types of travel content creators: those just starting out and those looking to boost their income. For beginners, I provide a realistic picture without any fluff or empty promises. I make it clear that new bloggers are unlikely to make significant money in their first two years and probably won’t earn a real living until their third year.

I don’t sugarcoat the fact that freelance writers will face numerous rejections before they start earning more than $1,000 per month. Videographers need to secure brand deals and commissions because YouTube earnings are minimal unless they reach millions of viewers. Staff jobs in this field are scarce and come with the constant threat of layoffs.

This is the best travel writing book for those seeking a realistic path to success rather than a cheerleading book that glosses over the hurdles.

## The Rewards of Travel Writing

Once you achieve some success, travel writing and video creation can be incredibly rewarding. I’ve written articles from five continents, spent months on the road without my income taking a hit, and have exciting travel plans for this year and the next. Often, these travels are funded or at least become tax write-offs.

While I could earn more money in another field (and did when I had a tech job), I prefer the excitement and adventure that comes with being a travel writer. Check out [my Instagram feed]( to see the byproducts of my work.

## Get Your Copy

If you’re interested in becoming a travel writer, blogger,



