The Comprehensive Handbook for Teaching English Abroad

The Comprehensive Handbook for Teaching English Abroad

Posted: 6/10/2024 | June 10th, 2024

Instructing English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) has become a favored career option for individuals eager to merge their enthusiasm for education with the excitement of traveling. TEFL consists of educating learners whose first language is not English, irrespective of the teacher’s mother tongue. I had the opportunity to do this in Thailand and Taiwan, and it was an incredible experience!

The need for accredited TEFL courses is on the rise as learners globally aim to master English. It’s among the top avenues for securing employment abroad. Traditionally utilized in private educational institutions, the communicative approach of TEFL differs from the conventional techniques used in public schools. The emphasis frequently lies on conversation skills, innovation, and cultural understanding instead of repetitive memorization and stringent grammar rules.

People choose to teach abroad for various reasons. Initially, I did it for financial reasons, and later I repeated the experience because it was an excellent opportunity to work and reside in a different country. Teaching overseas offers a lasting way to fully immerse oneself in a new culture, acquire new languages, and establish global connections. It frequently results in considerable personal and professional development. By taking on a TEFL position, educators not only assist in shaping the educational environment of their host nations but also improve their own abilities and career opportunities.

As the majority of educators require a TEFL certification to secure employment, here is all the essential information you need about TEFL programs to enable you to teach English abroad:

Table of Contents


What is a TEFL certification?

TEFL certification is the main qualification required for obtaining teaching jobs abroad. Originating in the early 1970s, TEFL training was created for areas where English isn’t the primary language. Nowadays, TEFL certificates are globally recognized and often necessary for acquiring positions in foreign countries.

Previously, aspiring TEFL teachers had no choice but to commit a month to a full-time, in-person program. Training opportunities were scarce because of hefty tuition costs, limited availability outside of major cities, and additional associated expenses.

Nowadays, advancements in technology and years of research and development have made TEFL courses significantly more accessible and inclusive. You can now complete TEFL certification entirely online, through hybrid blended formats, or entirely in person.

No matter the format, TEFL courses offer thorough instruction in the following areas:

  • Classroom management
  • Teaching skills
  • Lesson planning
  • Using media in the classroom
  • Grammar
  • Cultural sensitivity

For many years, the TEFL standard has been a 120-hour course. This duration is regarded as ideal for equipping new graduates with the theoretical foundation needed to begin teaching in a classroom setting. Although the industry frequently encourages additional hours for unsuspecting teachers, these are typically unnecessary and offer minimal benefit beyond a high-quality, standard 120-hour TEFL course.

However, it is advisable for teachers to seek additional education and/or more teaching hours after gaining a few years of experience in the field. For instance, the Cambridge DELTA is a great option for educators who have already earned a TEFL certification and possess two years of full-time teaching experience.

Prerequisites and Locations for Acquiring Certification

Aspiring TEFL instructors need to have a high level of English proficiency. The higher the students’ level, the more skilled the teacher needs to be. Non-native English-speaking teachers might want to take a proficiency test (such as IELTS or TOEFL) to prove their language abilities, though it’s not absolutely required.

To teach English abroad, particularly in nations with competitive teaching job markets like Japan, a bachelor’s degree is often a prerequisite and may also be necessary for obtaining a work permit. In many places, the degree can be in any discipline as long as it is supplemented with a TEFL certificate.

Certain countries and programs, like those in Costa Rica and Spain, accept candidates who do not hold a degree, especially if they possess extensive teaching experience or a high level of proficiency in teaching English.

Keep in mind that there is no central accrediting organization for TEFL. Some TEFL providers may reference general governmental guidelines (such as “Level 5,” which is approximately equivalent to a high school diploma in the UK), but these often have little influence on job prospects.

It is crucial to verify that a TEFL certificate can be authenticated or apostilled for international use. Contact your chosen provider to confirm the availability of this service and inquire about the associated costs. Frequently, prospective TEFL teachers complete a course with an attractive website and competitive price, only to discover that the TEFL certificate is not valid for work visa applications!

Qualifications and Skills Required

Aside from training and certification, effective TEFL teachers typically have traits like adaptability, cultural sensitivity, and a proactive problem-solving approach. Maintaining a positive attitude greatly aids in tackling the problems and obstacles associated with relocating abroad. This transition is challenging, as new TEFL instructors will also be adjusting to a new profession, a new employer, and a new teaching environment!

A sincere commitment to assisting students in reaching their language learning objectives drives teachers towards success. When teachers fully embrace their responsibilities and the learning outcomes, they can experience a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment, leading to positive development and improved adaptability.

The Advantages of Teaching English Overseas

Teaching English overseas presents a range of benefits. These advantages encompass professional, personal, and social development, along with providing a financially viable method to reside in and discover various regions across the globe.

Professional Growth
One of the greatest advantages of teaching English abroad is the opportunity for professional growth. Educators acquire essential abilities, including cross-cultural communication, adaptability to global work practices, and sought-after teaching methods.

Working overseas frequently results in professional growth within the education sector, encompassing positions in educational management, curriculum development, publishing, and educator training.

Occasionally, educators working abroad are presented with fulfilling opportunities and roles outside the realm of education that utilize the skills they developed as TEFL teachers.

Personal & Social Growth
Living and working abroad is a transformative experience. Educators frequently gain a profound comprehension of global matters, acquire insights into diverse cultures, and pick up new languages.

Participating in this cultural experience widens one’s perspective and boosts personal resilience and independence. Numerous TEFL educators experience significant personal development, observing heightened confidence and better problem-solving abilities as they adapt to living in a foreign country.

Teaching English in foreign countries is inherently a social endeavor. Many instructors leave their known social environments to live in locations where they lack prior connections. This common experience frequently results in the quick and natural development of new relationships and friendships. TEFL instructors often report forming close, meaningful, and enduring bonds with fellow teachers.

Matt mentioned that teaching became a wonderful method for him to overcome his introverted nature. Although it was difficult, it was also fulfilling.

Financial Benefits
Teaching English overseas frequently offers salaries that are substantially above local norms, enabling a comfortable standard of living. Moreover, numerous host nations have a lower cost of living in comparison to the teachers’ home countries.

For instance, the rent for a contemporary one-bedroom apartment in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, might be approximately $500 USD monthly, whereas the average rent in the US surpasses $1,500 USD. In nations such as Thailand and Indonesia, dining out can be as inexpensive as $3 USD per meal, in contrast to $15–20 USD for a comparable meal in the US. Additionally, the lower income and sales taxes in these countries boost the disposable income and savings potential for TEFL instructors.

Besides a steady income, certain TEFL roles provide additional perks, like housing stipends, health insurance, airfare, bonuses, and paid holidays. These benefits, along with the chance to travel, make teaching overseas an excellent choice for those seeking a sustainable way to see the world.

Country Focus – Top Destinations for TEFL Jobs

Here’s a brief overview of some top countries for teaching English:

Japan presents a diverse blend of cultural traditions and contemporary amenities, making it a highly favored destination for TEFL educators. There are numerous opportunities for teaching English in Japan, including roles in private language institutes, public schools, and government-backed teaching programs.

Compensation is competitive, generally falling between $2,000 and $3,000 USD monthly, with certain roles providing extra perks like housing allowances and flight cost reimbursement.

Culturally, Japan offers a remarkable combination of tradition and modernity. From the serene beauty of cherry blossoms in spring to the constant bustle of Tokyo, there is much for educators in Japan to discover and enjoy. The nation’s efficient public transportation system facilitates easy travel, and as a highly developed country, it ensures that you will have everything you need.

You should be ready for a higher cost of living than in other TEFL locations, especially in larger cities.

Taiwan is a hospitable and inviting location for TEFL instructors. The need for English teachers is constantly on the rise as the nation expands its presence in global trade, technology, and tourism industries. Wages are appealing, generally ranging from $1,700 to $2,500 USD monthly, with living expenses significantly lower than in Japan. Additionally, many Taiwanese schools provide perks such as contract completion bonuses, health insurance, and help with securing accommodation.

Referred to as the “Heart of Asia,” Taiwan is a distinctive country, having been a Japanese colony for half a century and predominantly populated by Han Chinese. However, it has never been directly governed by communism and has remained accessible to the global community. The residents are considerate, warm, friendly, and modest. Additionally, it is a very safe nation.

Taiwan has something to please every visitor. Highlights include a delectable street food scene, numerous white-sand beaches, fascinating historical sites, active temples, majestic mountain ranges, vibrant nightlife, and verdant tea plantations.

Matt mentioned that he dedicated some time to teaching English in Taiwan and greatly enjoyed the experience. He believes Taiwan is an often overlooked but wonderful place to visit.

Czech Republic
The Czech Republic acts as an entry point to Europe for numerous TEFL instructors, providing a more affordable cost of living and convenient travel options throughout the continent. English teaching positions are abundant in urban centers such as Prague and Brno, with monthly earnings ranging from $1,200 to $2,500 USD. This income is adequate for a comfortable lifestyle given the lower cost of living. Additionally, the procedure for acquiring a work visa in the Czech Republic is simpler compared to many other European nations, making it a viable choice for many prospective TEFL educators.

Residing in the Czech Republic can be captivating, given its beautiful architecture, extensive history, and lively cultural environment. Educators can relish in trips to historic castles, tasting regional beers, and relaxing at charming cafés. Additionally, it serves as an excellent starting point for exploring other nearby European nations.

Costa Rica
Costa Rica, celebrated for its relaxed way of life and stunning natural landscapes, draws TEFL teachers who cherish nature and seek adventure. The need for English instructors is growing consistently, with numerous opportunities in private language institutes and public schools. Salaries usually range between $750 and $1,100 USD monthly, which is sufficient to cover living costs given Costa Rica’s lower cost of living compared to the US or Canada.

(Matt says: Costa Rica was my first international trip, sparking my passion for travel. Everyone I know who visits there loves it. Although it’s a pricey destination within Central America, this is mainly because of the high expenses associated with adventure activities and other tourism-related costs. However, if you adopt the local lifestyle, it can be an affordable place to live!)

Educating students in Costa Rica provides a distinctive chance to reside in a country famous for its dedication to conservation and sustainability. The country features a remarkable variety of wildlife and ecosystems, offering numerous weekend spots for activities like hiking, surfing, and wildlife photography. The welcoming demeanor of the Ticos (Costa Ricans) and their generous hospitality ensure that becoming a part of the community is a gratifying experience.

Overcoming Challenges

Teaching English abroad is an exciting and enriching experience, but it comes with its own set of challenges. Language barriers and cultural differences are just some of the obstacles TEFL teachers often encounter, demanding adaptability and resilience from them.

Language Barriers
An initial challenge when relocating to a new country is the language barrier, which can make routine activities and interactions more difficult. Fortunately, employers and colleagues assist with initial arrangements, such as opening bank accounts, getting a local SIM card, and accessing essential services. In numerous countries, particularly in Asia where cultural values encourage it, locals are supportive, patient, and enthusiastic to help, often going out of their way to ensure pleasant experiences.

English’s status as an international language facilitates communication, as many residents will have some knowledge of it, with some possibly being fluent. Furthermore, translation apps significantly alleviate communication difficulties for new TEFL instructors, enabling them to manage language barriers more efficiently. Naturally, it is beneficial for TEFL teachers to take introductory language classes to improve everyday interactions, build stronger personal relationships, and show respect for the local culture.

Cultural Differences
In addition to the difficulties in communication, cultural misunderstandings can be exasperating.

An effective TEFL instructor approaches the culture of the host nation with openness and a sincere desire to understand. Acknowledging that the customs from one’s own country may not be relevant in a foreign setting aids in dealing with cultural differences. It is particularly beneficial to retain a sense of humor and stay composed when confronted with unforeseen difficulties.

Engaging in local festivals, savoring regional dishes, and spending time with local colleagues can bridge cultural divides, making cultural adaptation an enjoyable, fulfilling, and significant endeavor.

The initial phase of relocating to teach English in a foreign country can be challenging. It requires parting from your friends, family, and community to venture into the unknown for a considerable duration. It’s a distinct sensation that isn’t frequently encountered in daily life.

The encouraging news is that this generally fades as TEFL instructors develop vibrant new friendships, engage with the expatriate community, and establish a daily routine. Maintaining contact with friends and family back home via digital communication tools can alleviate the sense of distance. This adjustment might take several weeks or even a few months. TEFL teachers who fully embrace the shift to their new surroundings will enjoy a more favorable experience abroad.

Navigating Bureaucracy
Navigating visa applications, work permits, and local registration can be challenging. One advantage of utilizing a reputable TEFL job placement service is that the partner employers are thoroughly vetted, properly licensed, and regulated, often boasting many years of experience. These employers fully assist with work visa applications, offer step-by-step guidance to teachers, and supply all required documentation from their side.

Moreover, these employers offer exceptional in-country assistance, including airport pickups, accommodations or full support in finding housing, help with establishing a bank account, acquiring a local SIM card, managing utilities, and more. They often have an HR department specifically for foreign TEFL teachers, which alleviates about 90% of the administrative load for new teachers.


Starting a TEFL career overseas brings more than just employment — it opens doors to personal and professional development. Teaching English in a foreign country allows educators to enhance their own lives while making important impacts on their students’ futures.

Despite challenges like cultural differences and language barriers, the benefits of profound cultural immersion, adventure, and career growth are vast. If you’re looking for a life-changing experience, teaching English abroad could be your next exciting journey.

Click this link to discover more details and embark on your TEFL adventure now!

myTEFL stands as the leading TEFL program globally, boasting more than four decades of experience in the industry. Their accredited courses are practical and comprehensive, equipping you with the necessary skills and expertise to secure a lucrative job teaching English abroad. Click here to discover more and embark on your TEFL adventure today! (Use the code “matt50” to get 50% off!)

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